Question: 1 / 220

Which item is classified as a "deadly weapon" under Texas law?

A wooden bat

An unloaded .45 caliber pistol

Under Texas law, the classification of a "deadly weapon" includes items that are capable of causing serious bodily injury or death. An unloaded .45 caliber pistol falls into this category because it is inherently designed for lethal use, and its capacity to cause harm is recognized regardless of whether it's currently loaded. The law considers the intent and potential use of the weapon, rather than just its current state. In contrast, while a wooden bat, an electric cattle prod, and a knife with a dull blade might cause injury, they do not inherently carry the same level of risk as a firearm like the .45 caliber pistol. The intent behind the usage and the potential for lethality are key factors in determining whether an object is classified as a deadly weapon under Texas law. Thus, the unloaded pistol, despite being in a non-operational state, is classified as a deadly weapon due to its design and intended use.

An electric cattle prod

A knife with a dull blade


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